I wrote a short article on my experience with the "Google Sandbox" and how at least in my case I don't believe it exists. Check out the article and let me know what you think.
Alex, This should work for ecommerce sites as well. My only concern would be that you don't canibalize sales by having visitors leave your site to go to competitors that are now advertising on your site. One thing you can do is block certain ads and categories from displaying within the adwords interface.
The other nice thing is that ShopSite generates really search engine friendly static pages so once you do get out of the sandbox, you should rank nice and high.
This site focuses on everything related to successfully creating, promoting, and maintaining online stores. The author, as creative director of Comcation has created hundreds of successful online stores over the last 10 years.
For the last 15 years, I've been building successful online stores for customers all over the world.
I started working on internet related projects in 1993. Originally I developed websites as a way to show my computer animation and virtual reality projects. I spent my twenties growing up with the Internet, and in the last 10 years I have built over 100 successful online stores, countless other sites, got married, bought a house and started a family. All with a career that didn't exist when I graduated high school.
Alex, This should work for ecommerce sites as well. My only concern would be that you don't canibalize sales by having visitors leave your site to go to competitors that are now advertising on your site. One thing you can do is block certain ads and categories from displaying within the adwords interface.
The other nice thing is that ShopSite generates really search engine friendly static pages so once you do get out of the sandbox, you should rank nice and high.
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Anonymous, at 2:45 AM
High Google and Yahoo link popularity can be yours,
Anonymous, at 9:55 AM
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