Off topic - I have a Bunch of Gmail Invites for Everything eCommerce Readers.
I have a bunch of Gmail invites. If you are interested, just email with a little note that you'd like an invite and I'll send one on its way.
Big update coming soon, check back in the next day or two.
This site focuses on everything related to successfully creating, promoting, and maintaining online stores. The author, as creative director of Comcation has created hundreds of successful online stores over the last 10 years.
For the last 15 years, I've been building successful online stores for customers all over the world.
I started working on internet related projects in 1993. Originally I developed websites as a way to show my computer animation and virtual reality projects. I spent my twenties growing up with the Internet, and in the last 10 years I have built over 100 successful online stores, countless other sites, got married, bought a house and started a family. All with a career that didn't exist when I graduated high school.
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